Measuring the sound quality
Measuring the Sound Quality
Brands or Names or Personal taste
There's not often a moment passes in the audio world when the one subject that burns a question in competing artists pockets arrises. It brings those talking about it to logger heads and it is ultimately the last stage before the item or piece listened to. (FYI Breitling is a classic example of branding breaking English Grammatical standards)
So should it really matter if the one on the left is 33% better than the one on the right or the one above is 80% more expensive than the one below but brings only 19% more definition to the final item ?
Well in many ways it is a closed topic between the budget holder and the purchaser, there's not many people who don't ask for advice or read if one brand is probably still going to be offering technical help or spare parts in 6 months time or support. Thus it falls to me to finish with this, " It is what is taught by experience," the audience attracted by brand A may of been the right decision initially but if you were careful elaborated that brand C was what you needed then time, is your next hurdle. A quick decision doesn't always mean another stitch with a fresh needle if you can plan a way of learning if box 1 is better than box 2 then you'll have walked a similar path to the journey i undertook in the last decade.