Building Musical Confusion by Creating New Instruments

The FM synthesiser created in the 1970s or 1980s in Japan it brought digital "analog" waves usually made from simple electronics components to a number of Ones & Zero's paraded on micro chips operated by an operating system creating smooth (kind of) waves.

The Sine wave is a 90 degree tilt left S when viewed at the correct horizontal vertical plane. It was ignored in the 50's by Dr Robert Moog in favour of the Triangle wave. Dr Robert felt the Sine wave lacked harmonics when filtered and resonated & could just as easily be emulated with the triangle which brought much greater harmonic dissonances useful for percussion and manipulation.

The Japanese near Mount Fuji (i'm inclined to believe its just a presumption) created a mixing block feeding several sine waves into a mult creating digital musical noises so feared by much of the orchestral world of the time due to employment concerns


Employment concerns often ring alarm bells of war as regional sections of musicians put up fences protect their sources of income & count their blessings they won't end up knocking on the synagog asking for a loaf or leg of chicken.

For the sake of "Hammond organ players" et al, here is a quick outline


(A Sine wave is an up and down cycle of a single pure oscillation, the Menorah 7 candle holder is architecturally constructed of descending 270 degree tilted letter C's
((if these were to be played as sine waves the phase relationships of the musical note produced would be very out of phase leading to the 'almost sound of silence'))
The Sine wave synthesiser is just a synth creating machine not a Japanese attack on the freedom of the Hebrew numbers book or the whole tankah created at Mount Sinai its merely almost identical words to describe worship process and creation of musical noise process

Carl Nielsen " I Love the vast surface of silence; and it is my chief delight to break it"

Sir Carl Davis was quoted in the Guardian ": You are of no account whatsoever "

J. R. R. Tolkien once said " May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks "

Importantly musics fruit is only tasted inside the ear , Dancers & Performers movements & shapes essentially outline their personal version of their reaction to listening, perhaps just enjoying their thoughts not what the music composer assembled.