Reflections on equality

Recently discussed the effects of reflection, here are notes from the process.

Can a person understand other people if we do not see these people in our reflection? To understand a lie or how a notion lies in your mind or soul if when we look in our reflection ie in water or any natural reflective surface (or obsidian etc, lists of three or four items must be possible but for now i will only list one) and see the resemblance or the difference in return. (kept it as natural and not glass or mirrors to respect the naturists views)
For me race blows this thesis to smithereens, it tears at the very notion, & leaves us in no doubt that if we look and see eyes that are narrower or skin that is much lighter we instantly splutter at creating a pure mind potentially integrating discourse immediately. This is obviously only true for conflict or dangerous liaisons, in a less tense situation such as the beginnings of infidelity, religious piety or divorce the words used will be only accented in description of difference.
For examples tattoos if i were to get a breast tattoo at the age of twelve or thirteen of an arm or needle or record etc firstly it would be illegal for the tattooist but it would also change every twelve or thirteen year olds impression of me.
Homosexual Lesbian partnerships & weddings will see this in everyday living. When they purchase their milk, loaves, beer wine etc 98.8% of the people serving them will never of reflected on the emotions of loving relation, intercourse or exchanging body contact. It is possible 90% will have never thought of it either.
This leads to a catchphrase of mine " words are my weakness" Music is my first language in that I mean not the crochets, hatchets or signatures of manuscripts written but the otherness of what one thing may mean. The musical scale contains 12 semi tones (24 if you include 1/4 tones often illustrated in Sanskrit or other oceanographic countries in Asia). Of these only 8 will feature predominantly in a piece of music or section of music termed as beginning and end or whole. The average sentence will be 15-20 words 25-33 syllables or 75-100 characters derived from 26 letters (46 if asian), already over 3 times more tools than the musical equivalent. So as a musician listening to spoken word occasionally the attention fails, and the melody of the spoken word is brought into focus, cinematically enhancing neither meaning or understanding but the raw timbres of the persons throat, pharynx, epiglottis, mouthal cavity etc.