the assumption of faith witin tradition (missed the H dont kill me)

At times of the year , calendar etc groups or whole countries celebrate not only the birth of certain people (who definitely existed) but also traditional faith based parts of year or calendar ( the existence of these people is not the debate). These regional festival days include education, employment, laws of conduct, sexual relations, and all information too numerous to list.

It would surprise me if anybody under the age of 10 or 15 didn't comprehend that already.

The assumptions i'd like to outline are the effects these faiths existing in the same country do to the people within the region, in which they fall into
1) Not particularly interested in new old or such the like.
2.) And those who do wish to celebrate according to tradition or regional beliefs.
3) the friendly people who just like everybody

As i write it is acknowledged before Israels Abrahamic creation (derived from existing material (off miracles) but exists independently enough to file in the 'original thinking' category)
The zoroastrian, Hindu Vedic systems include many interesting concepts but for this reason or that, its value is not perceived to incubate modern ways of living so much as the Abrahamic three. Abraham, Constantine, Mohammedan.

These three (ignoring the irrespective Hasidic or church of England or romany etc) its often presumed (recently in Terry Hayes wonderful I am Pilgrim) that the development of material increases the irritation of those not wishing to acknowledge increased definition of older ideas.

It's true if you worship an idea for living & refuse to let in the light of older or newer ideas you begin your personal wake towards the dawn of anti-social temperament.

What do the tribes of Israel actually want to smile about ? Is it necessary to learn the whole tanka of this & that war disaster or elimination. Can a Muslim truly empathise with an alcoholic in need of support or a substance abuser close or edging towards the thistle of destruction? ( The Mutha or Sharia Law provides the sexual abomination) Can a christian ever switch off the fact names of the old book can exist independently from 'their stereotype of enchantment two thousand year old themes)

My interest is ignited in the development of each strain, its gender relation & what happens when later process's choose not to do that in the genesis of inception forming in the Abrahamic trio a trident (yes a word created before Mohammed had his big idea to reinvent the way of life ( the violence endlessly outlined in the first two does incline me to agree but switch on the TV & witness mujhadeen or ETA or Daesh & you'll soon believe i'm milking sympathy)

So what happens when you build a way of life or process of living & divorce certain elements in favour of more suitable elements ?

The very start of this presumes you are okay with acknowledging the initial creator as on 'Pole' if you can acknowledge this but need to instantly pull off a thought that 'yes but it was wrong' you criticise your own belief as you speak.

There in lies the civility of decorum that controls the ultimate bondage which formed many wars over many years.

Decency prevents the initiator from requesting repatriation or reward and knowledge prevents the later from disproving the initiator has aligned incorrect elements & obviously cannot be kept in its current state.

Many will keep the Moses chapter in their family, Those who build upon the Q'arran will keep the elements of intricate analysis & removal of 'stimulation aids' including the eyesight of women.

What makes this lonely person who knows all these people but wants to live fifteen hundred years in the past choose a career in shepherding others & appealing them to live within their laws ? Protection,? Insurance? Knowing it's right ?

Plenty of songs clang on from relationships , faith,?( I think if Eddie Cochran was alive today he would have called George Michaels Bank manager with quite a huge rit.) Jobs from 9-5 don't have room for these protracted weighted ancient incubations, the loudest sigh goes out at a sports match when anybody mentions 'a book'

Will leave it there , it needs finishing but I am prevented from doing that now.