If you need help with drugs
There are various charities providing support for drug addiction or the regular requirement to escape into a more unpredictable environment , some links for help and telephone numbers below
One of the UK’s largest specialist drug and alcohol treatment charities. Addaction manages 120 services in 80 locations across England and Scotland.
Tel (central office): 020 7251 5860
Email: info@addaction.org.uk
A helpline for people with learning disabilities in the criminal justice system.
Tel: 020 3119 0960
Email: enquiries.lifeline@gmail.com
A charity that works with individuals, families and communities to prevent and reduce harm, to promote recovery, and to challenge the inequalities linked to alcohol and drug misuse.
Tel (head office): 0161 200 5486
Email: enquiries.lifeline@gmail.com
Narcotics Anonymous
Helpline and regular self-help meetings for addicts who have a desire to stop using and who wish to support each other to remain drug free.
Helpline (10am-midnight): 0300 999 1212
NHS Choices
This site provides advice and information about drugs and offers a database of support and treatment services. Find your nearest drug support services here.
Tel: 0300 999 1212
Talk to Frank
Free, confidential advice for anyone concerned about drug misuse. Advice and information for drug misusers, their families, friends, carers.
Helpline (24 hours): 0300 123 6600 (interpreters available for 120 languages)
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Email: click here to submit an email enquiry.