Robert Mugabe (Rhodesia , Zimabawee)

My computer reinstalled the first draft of this and i lost the initial thoughts of the idea that summarised exactly my concept, much to my bother i am now attempting the remembrance

In the Nineties I enjoyed learning the principals of Jazz musics inception of classical romantic composers of the late nineteenth century, whilst the extremely influenced creativity begat serious mental problems i appreciate the colour argument, where predominantly Black musicians pioneered the extreme mixing of the melodies of the great classicists

(not litigate-able due to X but with the 12 note option many legally inclined do continually press for - funds have been incited to build cases over & over again)

From the above statement I spell out how I initially included Robert Mugabe's vilification and death cults that persecuted the white farmers of Rhodesia with Japanese style tortures. The aggressive dictatorship provided some hope to Africans who believed the white peoples way of making things, reading things , civilisations all predominantly imported from the Roman expansion of Europe and several landmark innovations. Sadly as Mugabe would say were made by white people.


Jazz & Blues music held high the flame that originality with a twist of using romantic composers sharpened eleventh lines, disharmonious tonality, Schoenberg discontinuity and the ilk.


Just as when a musician outlined there are no wrong notes in Jazz, therefore creating a lawless wildfire of interpretations so Robert Mugabbee concept of dictatorship opened slews of dead bodies torture and i will kill that person if i want

To Be Continued…………….

There are many authors to credit for this blog post. Henry Mancini , Britannica encyclopaedias & Peter Godwin being some of them.